Swift response by the Indian government to onion export duty protests, as NAFED and NCCF acquire extra onions, aiming to support farmers and stabilize prices. Farmer welfare remains a priority.

 NAFED and NCCF acquire extra onions, aiming to support farmers and stabilize prices.
NAFED and NCCF acquire extra onions, aiming to support farmers and stabilize prices.

Procurement Strategy Eases Tensions After Export Duty Controversy

Facing farmer protests in Maharashtra over a 40% onion export duty, the Modi government swiftly took measures to address concerns and ensure farmers’ welfare.

Expanded Procurement Plans to Support Farmers

NAFED and NCCF to Acquire Additional Onions

Union Food Minister Piyush Goyal announced that NAFED and NCCF would purchase an extra 2 lakh tonnes of onions at an unprecedented rate of Rs 2,410 per quintal. This move aims to alleviate any negative impact on farmers caused by the export duty imposition.

Prioritizing Farmers and Consumers

Balancing Act to Benefit Both Sides

Goyal highlighted the government’s commitment to farmers and consumers, asserting that the acquired onions would be sold at a subsidized rate of Rs 25 per kg. The strategy aims to safeguard both farming communities and the public from undue financial strain.

Government’s Ongoing Engagement Amidst Protests

Efforts to Address Concerns

Goyal acknowledged the farmers’ protests and engaged in continuous dialogue with the Maharashtra government. Despite political opposition, he assured farmers of fair prices for their produce and urged against panic-inducing misinformation.

Focus on National Interest Over Political Agendas

Challenges to Ensuring Farmers’ Welfare

Goyal emphasized that certain elements tend to politicize issues for personal gain, often neglecting the interests of the country and its farmers. The government’s duty imposition seeks to stabilize onion prices and aid farmers.

Understanding the Duty’s Purpose

Exploring the Export Duty Rationale

Goyal explained that the export rate of onions is $320 (about Rs 26 per kg). However, after subtracting transportation costs, the actual price received by farmers is around Rs 18-19 per kg. The new procurement price of Rs 2,410 per quintal addresses this disparity.

Envisioning a Brighter Future for Farmers

Historical Procurement Rates and National Impact

Highlighting the monumental nature of the procurement rate, Goyal stressed that this rate had never been achieved before. The initiative benefits farmers across states like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and beyond.

Addressing the Bigger Picture

India’s Significance in Onion Production

India stands as the world’s second-largest onion producer, with Maharashtra contributing 42% of the country’s output. Amidst concerns, the government’s strategic moves aim to stabilize the market and protect farmers’ interests.

In conclusion, the government’s proactive measures, including enhanced procurement and communication, showcase its commitment to farmers’ welfare amid contentious decisions. As India navigates onion export dynamics, the focus remains steadfast on achieving stability and prosperity for the farming community.

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