Amid mounting controversies, firebrand leader Sambhaji Bhide faces multiple FIRs for derogatory remarks. Outrage and reactions follow, highlighting political differences within Maharashtra’s parties. Bhide’s past history of contentious statements continues to stir debate.

Amid mounting controversies, firebrand leader Sambhaji Bhide faces multiple FIRs for derogatory remark
Amid mounting controversies, firebrand leader Sambhaji Bhide faces multiple FIRs for derogatory remark

Firebrand Leader Sambhaji-Bhide Faces Multiple FIRs Amid Controversies

  • FIRs Pile Up: Bhide, founder of Shiv Pratishthan Hindustan, faces three FIRs in two weeks.
  • Series of Derogatory Remarks: FIRs stem from derogatory remarks on Mahatma Gandhi, Sai Baba, and others.
  • Legal Actions: FIRs filed under IPC sections 153A, 153B, 295A, along with provisions of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Act.

Controversial Comments Spark Outrage and Reactions

  • Outcry and Protests: Bhide’s remarks draw sharp reactions, leading to political and non-political protests across Maharashtra.
  • Demand for Arrest: Senior Congress leader Prithviraj Chavan demands Bhide’s arrest for derogatory statements.
  • BJP Distances Itself: BJP distances from Bhide’s remarks, assures action against derogatory writings against national icons.

Bhide’s Political Patronage and Influence

  • Strong Influence: Bhide has patronage from Maharashtra parties, including Shiv Sena and NCP.
  • Local Politics: With a strong youth brigade, Bhide plays a significant role in Sangli, Satara, and Pune districts.
  • Mixed Reactions within Allies: Allies express displeasure over Bhide’s conduct, highlighting differences within the coalition.

Bhide’s Controversial History

  • Past Controversies: Bhide’s controversial statements have repeatedly caused embarrassment to the BJP.
  • Hard Hindutva Line: Despite controversies, Bhide’s staunch Hindutva stance garners him followers.
  • Recent Remark: Bhide’s suggestion about consuming mangoes for gender prediction adds to his controversial history.

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